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Janis Joplin - The Last Time Превод текста

Poslednji put

Učini to poslednji put, Učini to poslednji put
Molim te dragi, učini to poslednji put
Ali ne razumem kako to da uvek izabereš vreme
Kad pričam s tobom a tvoja ljubav mi je u mislima
Videti daleku svetlost, čuti udaljene sirene
Ne mogu više podneti ako me napustiš još jednom
Reci da to više nećeš uraditi
Molim te, reci nikad više
AlI svaki put kad odeš uvek ubedim sebe
Da te neću ponovo zavoleti kad se vratiš
Ali kad se vratiš tako si fin prema meni
Ne mogu to više podneti dragi
Rekoh poslednji put, poslednji put
Dragi, molim te poslednji put
Zar me ne razumeš, zar me ne razumeš ?
Medeni, Zar me razumeš ono što želim reći ?
Pa, rekao si da me voliš i ja sam to poverovala, dragi
Ali si lagao, ti znaš šta je istina
I to držim u svom srcu, verovaću u to sve dok ne odeš
A onda ću zaplakati
Oh dragi, oh dragi,
Oh dragi, odluči se
Oh, ne mogu podneti tvoju ljubav, medeni, to me potpuno rastrga,
Zadobio si moju dušu, ali si sada izvan mog srca.
Nemoj me povrediti, dragi i sada znaš kako to dobro radiš
Ja samo imama tu utehu da sam ucveljena
To je bio poslednji put
To je bio poslednji put
Da dragi to je bio poslednji put
Pa, rekao si da me voliš i ja sam to poverovala, dragi
Ali si lagao, ti znaš šta je istina
I to držim u svom srcu, verovaću u to sve dok ne odeš
A onda ću zaplakati
Nikad više. nikad više
Nikad više bez tebe
Ako želiš da me voliš, molim te ostani kući
Ako ne želiš da me voliš, molim te otiđi
Zar me ne razumeš, zar me ne razumeš ?
Medeni, Zar me razumeš ono što želim reći ?
Reci da to više nećeš uraditi
Molim te, reci nikad više
Pa, rekao si da me voliš i ja sam to poverovala, dragi
Ali si lagao, ti znaš šta je istina
I to držim u svom srcu, verovaću u to sve dok ne odeš
A onda ću zaplakati

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Janis Joplin

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O Novi Sad

[Verse 1]
Dawn has broken and I am happy
Because today I'm going to Novi Sad
My friends live over there
Even when I sleep over there, I have nice dreams
Really good people, punks, metalheads
They don't mind turbofolk either
There's nobody pissing me off
I even cheered for Tekstilac with Ranko

O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
Friendships do wonders
You are in my heart, beautiful city
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
Beautiful women, old and young
You are in my heart, beautiful city
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad

[Verse 2]
At Majkić's slava with stuffed grape leaves and pig roast
My time is spent in good company
And then I went to 'Oblomov' to get a drink at Ljubo's
The girls are prettier than eachother
Bikše took me to 'Lazo's Calf'
The beer is hold and the girls cold
And then to the barbecue in 'Sokače'
Snot is running while meat is being chewed

O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
Friendships do wonders
You are in my heart, beautiful city
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
Beautiful women, old and young
You are in my heart, beautiful city
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad

[Verse 3]
I played once in 'Route'
And smoked really good weed
Cika, Sloba, Friš and the gang
Relaxed banter and chatting
Really good bands, Ritam and Ateisti
Everyone acts the same to me
In the 'Piknik' studio is the old master
There's where the best things happen

O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
Friendships do wonders
You are in my heart, beautiful city
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad
Beautiful women, old and young
You are in my heart, beautiful city
O Novi Sad, O Novi Sad


Ladies choose

Tonight I secretly watch you
I need your shoulder
Always when I want to dance
They constantly choose the ladies

Chorus 2x
Cursed be the land and sky
And this today's day
Always when the ladies choose
I am not chosen

Why does no one choose me
I'm not that bad
The girl I love actually
Hasn't chosen me yet

Chorus 2x

I'm leaving with a sad heart
While our songs are playing
In the quiet night, a voice can be heard
Tonight the ladies choose

Chorus 2x


Dinara, Serbian mountain

Whenever autumn comes, I remember Grahovo,
I remember Gradina, Princip Gavrilo

Gavrilo from my region, the pride of my homeland

Whenever autumn comes, I remember Krčić,
I remember Duke Momčilo Đujić

Momčilo from my region, the legend of my homeland

Whenever autumn comes, my heart aches
my Chetniks are up on Dinara

Dinara, Serbian mountain, I will come soon


Dinaric heart

Enemies somewhere were drinking wine
My people were shedding tears from suffering
They prayed to God, but they didn't know
Would Little One win the battle

It's in vain you celebrated enemies
Until the early dawn
God has again raised
His Serb to his feet

Enemies somewhere were singing, drinking
My people were sad at home
They prayed to God, sent prayers
Oh God, let Little One heal


Enemies now are all shedding tears
And my people, look, are singing, drinking
The Lord from heaven said so
The Dinaric heart does not give in easily
